Product Releases

Product Releases

We continuously work to satisfy the demands of our users by releasing a plethora of cutting-edge product features and upgrades that are informed by your input and our expertise.
In order to assist you maximize your programmatic advertising strategy, we've included some information about our Demand Matic platform below, along with links to useful resources that highlight our upgrades and releases.

IronSource Exchange is a recent addition to our media sources (Unity)

We are pleased to announce the addition of Iron Source Exchange (Unity) as a new Media Source to our inventory! The largest international independent advertising exchange in the world is called Iron Source Exchange (Unity)...

Demand Matic Integration of Supermetrics

Demand Matic now provides direct Supermetrics integration! Create your own reports and access your Demand Matic data directly on Supermetrics by integrating Demand Matic and Supermetrics seamlessly..

Disqus is a recent addition to our Media Sources.

We are pleased to announce that Disqus, a new media source, has been added to our portfolio! For more than 10,000 publications of all sizes, Disqus is the best audience engagement platform available on the internet globally. This...

Samsung News has joined Outbrain RTB.

We are happy to inform you Samsung News is now a part of Demand Matic Outbrain RTB Media Source. All Samsung devices (mobile only) can get Samsung News for free. It offers a...

Demand Matic users can now see expanded reviews.

With the improved Reviews menu, you can quickly ascertain whether your creative was rejected and by which media source. To learn more about the reasons for a certain Media Source's rejection, hover your cursor over it. Give it a shot.

We've added Webeye as a new Media Source.

We are pleased to inform you that Webeye, a new media source, has been added to our inventory! 💥 Webeye is a mobile advertising platform available globally that provides access to various mobile applications and websites.