Demand Matic Platform

Advanced AI & Automation

Demand matic self-serve platform, driven by automation, allows you to consolidate all aspects of your programmatic media buying. Our user-friendly dashboard assists you in carrying out your campaigns successfully, from planning and creative management to tracking and optimization.


Our Key Features

Demand Matic offers some of the most advanced features in the industry to empower you and your teams to deliver successful end-to-end programmatic campaigns.

Advanced Optimization

Utilize our optimization features to take command of performance. Use bid modifiers to change bid values based on a variety of factors, including publishers, placements, browsers, and more, to reduce wasteful expenditure or bolster campaign components that are doing well.

First-Party Analytics Integration

Gain vital insights into your on-site engagement. To analyze, report, and optimize against the performance of first-party sites, just connect your Adobe or Google Analytics account to Demand Matic. Alternatively, you may let our Autopilot handle this for you.

Industry-Leading CTR Prediction Technology

Purchase more traffic than merely impressions. Users that have the highest likelihood of clicking and interacting with your creatives are the ones who see them thanks to our AI-powered CTR predictor, which provides precise click probability predictions in real time.

Inventory Planning

Ensure that the appropriate audience and environment are exposed to your campaign. Learn vital details regarding your prospective reach, bid success rates, and traffic distribution among publishers, devices, and channels.

User Role Management

Easily control who has access to campaign management tools and pertinent, non-sensitive data that represents your company. You may customize each team member's and client's access levels and permissions with our user management tool.

Fully Transparent

Bid farewell to undeclared margins or markups on data, media, or outside services. Demand Matic provides complete inventory and pricing transparency, allowing you to see exactly how and where your advertising budget is going.

Automate Every Aspect of Your Campaign

Empower your teams and save time, while gaining more control and increasing performance through our advanced automated optimization tools.

  •   Autopilot
  • Achieve your KPIs without having to handle manual campaign management. Utilize Demand Matic advanced AI-based system, which evaluates hundreds of campaign criteria and modifies your bids in real time to respond to changes in the market all day long. Just enter your KPIs and budget, then let our technology handle the rest.
  •   Automation Rules
  • Automate repetitive manual operations, such as budget modifications and optimization assignments, or set up email notifications to be informed about campaign performance and take quick action. By creating regulations based on your marketing objectives, you can improve performance. As you and your team add more value to your company, let the rules take care of the rest.

Purchase Confidently Transparent and Brand-Safe Inventory

Serving your advertisements within a brand-safe advertising ecosystem is our top priority at Demand Matic. We work hard to assist your own third-party tracking and to continuously review and develop internal fraud prevention methods.


Reach Your Audience

Ready to fully control your Demand Matic campaigns through our API?

Publishers & Placements

Take total command of the inventory you purchase, and focus on ad placements and premium websites with audiences that are more likely to convert. Access even more exclusive products aimed at discounts on private marketplaces.

Location & Language

To deliver tailored advertisements on websites that match the language of your ads, you can target locales down to a city or even a ZIP code. You can also target a specific language.


By targeting users across all devices, environments, operating systems, mobile carriers, browsers, and even connection types, you can better manage where your adverts show.


To allocate your advertising spending as profitably as possible, plan your campaigns to run during particular,
high-earning hours or days.

Interests & Keywords

Utilize Demand Matic exclusive data to target people whose interests align with your company objectives and reach audiences in dozens of categories. To specify the content context in which your adverts should appear, use keyword targeting.

First and Third-Party Audience Targeting

To reach your ideal customer, use Demand Matic DMP integrations to onboard your first-party data or target hundreds of third-party demographic, behavioral, and professional segments.